The Grass Ain't Greener On The Other Side It Died

The Grass Ain't Greener On The Other Side It Died

Many people are of the cliche belief that the grass is greener on the other side. I see this belief heavily applied in the younger generations. I watch the children of the ghetto apply themselves and attempt to enter a life of opportunity while the children who were supplied spoons of some sort attempt to throw opportunity away and enter a life of unnecessary hardship. This post is to enlighten the privileged children of the world to their savage duty if they ever seek to live a life worthy of being described as "Civilized Savagery". Its also to let the unprivileged know to stay the course their hearts originally set out on because the sad truth is they know not what grass really is. Being raised in the concrete jungle it is difficult to spot healthy grass. 

We are human thus we are prone to wondering about the unknown. Regardless of your beginnings, through the course of time you come across people that intrigue you. Chances are some of these people will not share as much common ground as one might hope for. This will eventually cause you to make a choice either to follow suit or rebel. There is nothing wrong with being a rebel, but make sure you got a damn good cause. If your going against the grain for "shits and giggles" don't claim to be a rebel. It's simple, utilize all the tools given to you. One of the biggest problems I have with the youth is they embrace a darker side of life out of choice, not necessity. If you weren't born in the darkness don't falsely embrace it. If you are a child of the light then run with it until darkness finds you. When every which way you turn you can't seem to find light then weather the storm and shine through the darkness. Don't accept the darkness as your new reality. Bane said it best to batman: 



"Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”

This quote weighs heavy on the current state of the lost youth. Some of us are born into horrible situations that unavoidable crappy beginning. Its our mission to find some grass of our own to water, and nurture into a healthy lawn. In this specific situation we must break the cycle to honor our families. Children represent hope to parents. Don't let hope die for your games and antics. If your issues lie in the fact that the children of the light seem fake and materialistic and make for horrible friendships, then I say find better friends. Don't allow your inability to properly judge character sentence you to the land of the lost. As always there are men and women of righteous character on both sides of the fence. No matter our birth we all can die glorious deaths. We define our lives by our actions and the affect they have on others. Did your life have purpose or was it just a scrimmage match that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. We all will find hardships in life do not go looking for them. We must make sound choices with the true desires of our heart and mind. The moment we make a bad choice hardship will find us. Don't force it. 

To all the unprivileged youth you were born with less tools and resources than some of your classmates and peers. The objective for you is to use what you come across to better your life and break the seemingly never ending cycle of your birth environment. You can make it out of the pit and into the abyss of opportunity that I call the world. The catch is your path is not a paved one. If you have an ounce of humanity in you, your savage duty is to lay at least one brick for another to take a solid step on steady ground. This small gesture speaks loudly to those who follow the path. It says keep going don't stop because a ambitious and considerate individual has already passed this point. Use it as a point of reference and never slide back beyond this step. You can define a new rock bottom for the youth who experience similar struggles to you. Raising the bar is a concept easily understood by the competitive, the wolves, who maintain that level of hunger throughout their existence. I say raise the floor for those who seem trodden on and weary. Its a similar concept to raising the bar but it works better for an unmotivated group of people. As you climb raise the floor so your friends can't fall as far. Your circle must always bring you up they must motivate you to carry your own weight and eventually shoot for the top spot. You must never hold the top spot among your friends. If you are top dog for too long and no one shows signs of trying one up you then you need a new group of friends.

To the privileged children if you find quality friendship among the unprivileged then your job is to help bridge the gap from the "trap" to the life of opportunity. To the unprivileged find friendship in those that elevate you and don't be consumed by the atrocities your environment offers. All children must rise to the occasion because when we all decide to brighten this life it makes for a sunny tomorrow. Until Next time keep it LYM.

This post wasn't meant to draw lines between poor or middle class it was meant to inspire the youth to blur the lines of this caste system we currently live in. After blurring the lines between the extremely unfortunate and the middle and upper classes we can work together to blur the thick solid line above us all. Turn the top 5% to the top 100%.

Living By The Code On This Long Road

Living By The Code On This Long Road

The Burden of The Brutalized Is Not To Comfort The Bystander

The Burden of The Brutalized Is Not To Comfort The Bystander