Every Wolf Was Once A Lone

Every Wolf Was Once A Lone

The wolf unlike any other wolf. This wolf I speak of is a walking contradiction.  Some see a contradiction as a bad thing but I see it as balance. Yin and Yang constantly battling each other maintaining the scales. The wolf was born to a loving mother and strong and misunderstood father. He was raised in a bubble like an experiment. Given wisdom, shown love, and taught understanding. The wolf stayed in this bubble until it was time to go out into the world and learn new lessons. These lessons were not taught in the same manner as in the bubble. In the bubble it was OK to make mistakes as long as they were viewed as lessons and the wolf showed improvement. Out in the world the lessons seemed more like tests and failure only costed the wolf more pain and suffering. The wolf saw that many things could not be easily explained in this world every lesson he learned depended on his perception. If his outlook was positive the lesson learned added to his tools for success. With a negative mindset the lesson learned became another plate on his armor protecting him from the cold world he'd come to love. The more plates on his armor the harder it was for others to reach the wolf.

The wolf built his armor up over time and only took his armor off in the presence of his pack. His pack served as a safe haven. Why would he need armor around his kin? His pack was assembled in an unorthodox manner. It was not only made of those who shared his bloodline but also those he had grown with. When he was young he closely watched other packs and individual wolves. It was almost in a stalking like manner. The average wolf only watches that closely when hunting prey. The wolf watched other packs and wolves in order to carefully choose his cronies. Once the pack was assembled the wolf would have no need to worry for this pack would give life to itself. Recycling the good energy and releasing the bad. The pack would never need to be questioned or challenged nor would it need a single leader. This pack would consist of many leaders. The problem with one leader was that it served as weak point. Any other pack could wait for the moment of vulnerability and take the leader out causing confusion and chaos within. This pack showed no weakness in its leadership. Its like the hydra chop one head off and there are many more left to chop. 

The issue with a pack full of alphas was keeping the peace among the conglomerate. How did the wolf get this far without being challenged by his equals? Simple, he showed genuine concern for the others and their ideas. The wolf understood this concern for all others would cause him to be stretched too thin but it was a risk he was willing to take. The wolf always went hard in the name of the pack, everything he did was to bring glory to his own. After many achievements he started to see that glimmer of envy in the other wolves eyes. Even wolves who shared his bloodline started to move differently but the wolf simply trusted in the fact that his transparency was still at 100%. No other wolf had to wonder his motive cause he was always honest with his pack. One day while sitting by the fire the wolf was attacked by one of his own. He did not lash back at this wolf for she knew not what she was doing. Fury had blinded her and he refused to make example of her because he knew the rough road she had traveled. He simply stood his ground and spoke reason. The she wolf let emotion get the best of her and it would have been inconsiderate to make lesson out of her. The emotions had built up over years of mishaps and failures. She sought to discredit the wolf that had built the very ground she now stood on. The wolf asked for no recognition he simply stated this was the benefit of walking among such an ambitious pack. The she wolf was to be left alone by the wolfs orders. The wolf  knew being a part of his bloodline had put the she wolf in a special status of untouchable. The wolf held family on such a high pedestal that he always knew it could potentially lead to his downfall. Family was not the people you chose to be related too. They are the ones you are born with. Some you can win over and move forward, others you may fail to persuade but you always have the option of walking away. With family your born into a forced friendship and only the truly righteous can interact on such a level that they can persuade them to act appropriately. The wolf could easily put an end to his attacker but instead he chose to let time tell the true desire of her heart. The wolf understood everyone's burden was his or her own to bear. The burden could only be lifted by death itself. So instead of adding to anothers load it was better to give sound advice and watch growth.

The wolf sat alone the next morning and realized the only logical reason the had been attacked is due to his status among the pack. He was considered an alpha among alphas. A driving force which had been uncontested. The she wolf lacked the stripes and scars it took to be held on such high ground. Living in the shadow of such a being was becoming unbearable. She did not understand her alpha compared her to no other. He saw her for what she was an unpolished diamond. The she wolf did not understand that during the alphas darkest hours it was the simple support of his pack that pushed him to new heights. She misunderstood his ferocity and took it for malice instead of frustrating concern and care. She could not tell the difference between tough love and actual hate. She had allowed her environment to change her instead of molding her surroundings. She allowed the outside world to affect her view of the pack. Tainted by outsiders she outcast herself from the pack. The wolf knew there was a time to lash out and a time to observe. And observe he would... 

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Do It Right The First Time

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