Die Poor or Die Nameless

Die Poor or Die Nameless

The goal is to die poor. Every Savage knows he has a duty to himself and the other savages. His duty to simply put it all on the line at all times in order to benefit the way of life we have come to know and love.

What is the richest place in the world. Some would say Africa, China, Dubai, etc but sadly they would be wrong. The richest place on the planet is the cemetery. This world sadly doesn't have enough men and women who are willing to dedicate themselves to an idea. They simply go through the motions. Born winners, end up wasting their existence on doubt, hesitation and procrastination. At first the majority of humans fear their own personal greatness. Greatness represents the unknown. We cling to what we know because it's our comfort zone but at the slight shift of comfort we back off. It takes a unique individual to learn to love the pain of discomfort. Fear has crippled at least 80% of our population.  They fall in line like obedient soldiers consoled by their blind faith. Blind faith in the fact that society told them to work hard, cause no ripples in the steady waters of civilization and they will live out their days in happy simplicity. Be born, grow up, go to school get a job, get married, have children, and the process repeats. The end is death then your shipped off to the cemetery placing your riches into the vault.

The vault of the unpublished, the unspoken, the undone. The cemetery is full of ideas never acted upon, books never written, and things never said. People lived in a state of constant caution for fear of drawing attention to themselves. They would rather fall in line and blend into the crowds because of what they've seen done to individual. Individuals go through the persecution and ridicule. Individuals take the chances the average man is afraid of. Men are like electricity they love to take the path of least resistance.

Every soldier I know understands if your going to fight you must leave it all on the battlefield. Never hold back because you only get one go around at this thing called life. You are born with inner riches and it is your duty to spread these riches to all lands and people. They say you can't take your materials with you, but you sure can die with loads of potential. A bunch of things you never did. A bunch of goals you never achieved. If by some crazy chance, we could wake a few folks from the dead and give em a few more months, man the things they'd do. It does no one any good to suppress their inner child, that piece of soul that makes them individuals. Children are curious and courageous. Before they learn that dreaded word (No) they are conquerors. They go around exploring and if you let them their curiosity would carry them farther than you'd imagine. Being a child is like spending money fast and with no conscience until someone comes along and says hey save that cash you might need it some day. The currency children blow like theirs no tomorrow is that potential. They know not of potential when they are real young. They know not of boundaries. If no one ever told you no how different would you be? If no didn't exist in any language what would life be like? Childhood in its earliest stages is liberty(A form of rationed freedom), adulthood a twisted dose of captivity. Break the chains, free the child, and live a life.

If you enter the cemetery as the poorest man there that means you put your gifts, abilities, and ideas to good use. Your an accomplished individual because you tapped into what most only dreamed of. Tap into your full potential or die another "coulda been". Our job is to use it all til we have none left. I recently failed a major test that actually affects my progression in my career. This was a blessing in disguise. It let me know I wasn't giving life my all. I'm well fed, fat, and rested. Eating too much and sleeping too well when there are still so many things to be done. If every man was as lazy as the majority of the population would the world be where it is today? If all the greats settled for mediocrity would society have progressed. If your hero decided to be not so heroic would they still be your hero? Are there actually people out there that look up to a man like Average Joe? Do what you want but I will continue to chase dreams so big that failure is just a pit stop on the way to my final destination. Life, like movies has loads of bloopers. No one rides a bike on their first attempt. So I will crawl and walk and fall and get back up and keep at it til I find myself in a full sprint.

Fear of regret causes me to constantly run from the reaper. The rich corpses are ones filled with regret. The cemetery contains an abundant amount of it. If you want a good reason to push forward or get in gear take a moment to talk with an older person someone far removed from their prime. Soak in their stories and assess the look on their face. Is it a look of satisfaction with the life they led or is it something else. Many of us live "shoulda, woulda, coulda lives." The regretful failed to act, they accepted the comfort society offered, constantly napped resting their heads on the pillow of mediocrity. Mediocrity is being satisfied with what is given. Success is fighting to earn what you believe is deserved. I refuse to die a man with regret. I refuse to die anything less than my potential self. My choice is my only option and my choice was to succeed and spread my riches. 

Time is limited but I am limitless. You are limitless the roadblocks are all in your head. So either stay trapped in your mind or free your soul. Leave no page unread, no stone un-turned, no opportunity "untaken". Live like you'll die tomorrow and watch how much more you accomplish. Live the dream and die poor! Until next time keep it LYM!

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