Behavioral Portrait
"Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image"
What image does your behavior portray? The simple definition of behavior is a response to stimuli. Our individual responses, or how we behave, incorporates our individual experiences. One stimulus experienced by a community of 100 people can elicit 100 different responses because of what we bring to the table. The life we have lived, up until that moment, has an effect on how we respond to any given situation. This is what makes us individuals. This is a perfect season to remember that we can think for ourselves and act in ways that benefit our society as a whole. It is time to re-center and adjust our personal compass. Who do we want to be? What image do we want to see in our mirror? Often times, along our journey, we meet like- minded people and we attach by forming relationships. We identify with others and often operate as a group to achieve goals. We accomplish much due to group momentum. The key here is to never forget that the group is made up of individuals. The human race is a large group whose members have many things in common. We have shared instincts to survive, socialize and belong and mate and reproduce,to name a few. Our behaviors are influenced by both nature (genes) and nurture (environment).We are a bundle of reflexes, inherited behaviors and learned behaviors. We grow up to be adults who put it all together using our ability to choose. Adult life in America is challenging at best. We possess so much access and yet exercise so little restraint. We take the same laws we fought so hard for and use them against each other when we want to short cut the notion of working together to reach a solution that would respect all. It is hard work and requires all our God-given abilities. Initially, we need the ability to cooperate and work together as a team. Secondly, it requires the ability to respect the rights of others while remaining true to ourselves. Additionally, it takes perseverance to see us through the tough times. Finally, it demands love. Love of ideas and ideals beyond our individual desires, love of the feeling of pride that comes from a job well done and most of all ....Love of humanity. We first learned how to be, in our individual homes. Our family is our first community. It is where we learned how to be with each other. If you want a place to start.......Start there. Walk with all the lessons learned and revisit some that need to be redone. Let bygones be bygones. Forgive, forget and forge a way to make a better day. Let's expand our view outward from our family to our community, our city, our country and our world. LYM (Leave Your Mark) positively. As for me and my house, I'm starting with the "man in the mirror". Until seven sunsets, let's make a change.