On Purpose

On Purpose

Why do I feel unaccomplished all the time? Why am I constantly questioning if I made a wrong turns in my travels? The confusion caused by chasing a dream while trying to fund it yourself is almost physically painful. The fear of complete failure is enough to whip the mentally weak and the undecided into a life of zombie-hood. I mean no disrespect to the technical minded i'm just saying if your going to do it, do it better than those that came before you. Don't settle, don't repeat another mans process until it becomes standard. Improve the damn thing. I believe all humans and animals have a purpose on this earth. If we didn't why did someone go through the trouble of creating us?

Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists. It is the ultimate realization. 
Jerry Lorenzo creator of Fear Of God Clothing truly defines a man with purpose...

Jerry Lorenzo creator of Fear Of God Clothing truly defines a man with purpose...

When you know why you were put on this earth it makes all other things irrelevant. Purpose turned promise only leaves one option, fulfillment. Some were born to help pave the road others were born to take. Regardless of which end you fall on, both roles are equally important. People spend their lives in search of this simple thing. To find your purpose is to find yourself. We are all unique in the simple fact that "No one does us like we". So when purpose is realized we must do as only we can, in order to create a future that is the direct result of our doing. That means everything is as it should be, or is it?

It is my belief some fell short, thus creating our present situation and we are simply reacting to what we are given or what we encounter. With that being said I believe we need a serious shift in public mindset. Not based on opinion but more in where we invest our efforts. The lack of independent thinkers only causes us to fall short of our mark. Accustomed to cycles, we fall into a zone of comfort only hurting the achievements of our children. Parents don't stress enough the importance of finding purpose instead they worry more about sustainability than dreams. Dreams are the food of titans, they thrive on it. Men simply feed on sustenance they call comfort. If you believe its never enough than you will always be hungry. I call it bulking of the mind. We must expand our thinking in order to break down the four walls of our "reality room". Everyone has something in this life they enjoy doing. Not all activities you enjoy will seem productive to society as a whole, but keep doing what you love. Do what you love and do it with passion. Through repetition and broad application you will eventually witness first hand the effect of your passion on others. Your passion plus its positive affect on people will help reveal purpose. If every human stopped worrying about their role in society and started worrying about achieving goals and dreams we would be much further in all aspects of life. Passion mixed with tenacity leads to innovation.

Find something you love then make it your life. Jobs are a thing for the underdeveloped. They are the caterpillars that may never become butterflies. So to you, I say evolve, transform, be somebody. Stand for something you believe in and fight for it till their is no fight left in you. A great man once said an idea is realized in one generation, worked at in the next, then materialized in the third. Your purpose may be realized but never achieved. This does not define failure, it simply lays a foundation which may actually become a building two generations later. The idea is the seed and you a farmer. This seed may not be able to harvest in one's lifetime but I guarantee you if you plant the seed one of your children may be the ones to nurture it. Their children will eventually harvest it and that is the cycle of life. Put it in the atmosphere and work to make sure it never disappears. The flesh is here one day and gone the next, but that idea can live forever. Find your purpose and push it to the limit. Until next time keep it LYM.

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