Action Required

Action Required

"It is always impossible,until it is done."

- Nelson Mandela

"It is not just words. Action expresses priorities."

- Mahatma Gandhi 

It is indeed the appropriate time to act. The weight of our decisions this week are worthy of the wisdom of not one , but two men who understood the importance of action as the most powerful agent of change. The time is now to stand up and be counted. It is a precious right that many in America take for granted and many in the world don't enjoy. Change requires us to let our voices be heard, whether we are naturalized citizens, first generation Americans or come from a long line of ancestors who have been here for generations. We the people, make up this nation.  It is our civil duty to exercise our choice by voting. We can't guarantee the outcome, but we must be a part of the process. Mandela comprehended the responsibility of LYMING (Leaving Your Mark). He believed that it is in our hands to change the world and make it a better place. The strides made  by the few have benefited many of us.. yet, there is still so much to be done. Gandhi lived by example , as well, his life was his legacy. The knowledge and understanding of living to your capability was demonstrated by the actions of these men. Things did not change quickly, in both instances but... required persistent action at great personal expense. The first step now, is to vote for who you believe will represent your values and best interest overall. There are only a few who would endeavor to run for chief of this great nation. It is not a task for the weak or ill-prepared. It is a complicated and in many ways thankless job. However, a representative democracy  requires the people to vote for who they want to represent them and who they trust to lead this nation and communicate to the rest of the world what it means to be an "American". In the words of Gandhi, "In a gentle way we can shake the world'" LYM (leave your mark) on the Ballot this election and be an example of one action towards change. Additionally, choose ways to improve the human condition by contributing some way.... everyday in your community. Ibsen said "a thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed."  VOTE!!! Until seven sunsets...LYM (leave your mark) by choosing who will represent you in THIS democracy.

America Has Spoken (Dear Murica Pt 1 of 3)

America Has Spoken (Dear Murica Pt 1 of 3)

